What makes TSA PreCheck valuable? Keep it that way!

What makes TSA PreCheck valuable? Keep it that way!

Unvetted travelers are a danger in TSA PreCheck lanes According to CNN, a whistleblower has charged that top Transportation Security Administration (TSA) officials have “prioritized speed over security.” Jay Brainard, a top TSA official in Kansas, told CNN that TSA...
Keep belongings safe and secure at the airport

Keep belongings safe and secure at the airport

Keep you and your belongings safe and secure at the airport When traveling by air, you can take easy, commonsense measures to keep yourself and your belongings safe and secure. While airport emergencies are rare, they aren’t unknown, but while most travelers...

8 airport safety rules

Airport safety rules keep passengers safer in the event of an attack. What airport safety rules can passengers use for random attacks? Last week, Esteban Santiago flew from Anchorage to Minneapolis to Ft. Lauderdale on Delta Airlines. Upon deplaning in Fort...

3 ways TSA’s long security lines can be fixed

I’m sure you’ve been reading about the appallingly long security lines at TSA (Transportation Security Administration) security checkpoints at many airports across the U.S. Last week, passengers reported it took as long as 2½ hours to get through security...