Trusted Travel Advice

The best travel information

Travelers United members get access to a growing collection of best websites and social media rankings.

Sure, search engines provide lists of websites. But Google, Yahoo and Bing don’t take you to the best websites for planning travel — that’s an often frustrating game of chance.

Travelers United has committed to a project that will list the top travel sites based on our team of experts study and experience. This will save travelers time and help with planning. We hope that Travelers United becomes a place to share website and social media discoveries among our members.

Travel how-to’s

What’s better: taking the train across Europe — or driving a rental car? Or flying? Our studies help you decide. This research is available to members and the collection is growing every week.

Government travel resources

These pages are a consolidated list of government travel resources. It includes everything from getting a passport to TSA rules and regulations and from airline statistics to European travel rules that govern travel within Europe as well as back and forth across the Atlantic. Plus, other resources cover health information from the Center for Disease Control, airline lost luggage rules, forms to use when faced with credit card problems, how to complain to DOT, and a list of U.S. Senators and Representatives for those who want to write directly to them.

Trusted, prize-winning destination information

Learn about destinations across the country and around the world from our Consumer Traveler blog that features destination content regularly. That’ where you’ll find some of the top travel writers on the planet. These writers all share our passion for travel and for making travel better for everyone. That’s why they are sharing their experience and experiences with Travelers United members.

Coming attractions

Travelers United is creating a YouTube channel that will feature everything about travel from planning a trip to dealing with hassles and from checking out rental cars to filing complaints. Member benefits are coming online as we reach out to the travel community.
